Jail Information Management System
User-friendly, web-based software tools to simplify your daily operations and reduce liability.
How it Works
Your jail is being asked to do more with less, day after day. As the State and other regulatory groups pile on more and more reporting requirements, issues like turn-over and training become increasingly more challenging. Modern corrections facilities like yours need innovative solutions to improve your efficiency. You need EFORCE® Jail.
Purposefully designed by Corrections Professionals, EFORCE® Jail is simple and easy to use. It streamlines the data entry between your various systems, and effectively collects the data your agency needs to work collaboratively with other agencies and protect yourselves from liability risks.

A user-friendly and easy-to-train JMS with the Flexibility to do work the way your agency wants to.
Features & Capabilities
Efficiency and Productivity, Your Way
Designed for Jailers
This seems like a no brainer, but we feel like it’s important to note that EFORCE® Jail was designed and built for Jailers. There are so many software products out there that seem to be more worried about checking the boxes than building a product for the mission it’s trying to accomplish. With EFORCE® Jail, your team is benefiting from the collective experience of Corrections Professionals and talented software developers.
This shows in the simplicity and ease of use, as well as the no bs feature set.

Simplified Accountability
Protection from liability is a critical component of running a Jail, and good record keeping plays a vital role in reducing the risk to your agency. Anyone familiar with Law Enforcement knows two things:
- “If it’s not written down, it didn’t happen,”
- “If it’s not easy to do, it’s not getting done.”
So, for your agency to perform its best, you need a system that is simple to use, but logs detailed information. EFORCE® Jail is the JMS system your agency needs to do just that.
EFORCE® Jail is streamlined and simple to learn, but robust in its capability to record the information you need.

You will not find a more flexible off-the-shelf software solution than EFORCE®. With EFORCE® Jail, you can tailor the software to the way you’re used to doing business, not the way our software says you have to. We provide tools, not policy and procedure.

With all the various systems that Jails connect to, you need a JMS that streamlines your paperwork and data entry. EFORCE® Jail is a modern solution that easily interfaces with systems like Livescan, VINE, Commissary, and Inmate Communication solutions to simplify your process and reduce the time you spend on intake.
Learn more about interfaces here: https://www.eforcesoftware.com/interfaces/

If you’ve spent any time working in a jail, you’ll recognize that the intelligence your agency needs to solve crimes is in there. Jails are the source of all kinds of valuable information to help the agencies they serve. Jails also need Officer Safety Information and other historical data about the people they’re housing, and you shouldn’t have to rely on patrol to relay all that information. You need a JMS system that can help you collect and relay this information efficiently.
EFORCE® Software is modern and seamlessly connected through the EFORCE® Command Technology. Data sharing and messaging between CAD, RMS, Jail, etc. is fluid and simple, even with outside agencies.

Case Studies
Madison County Sheriff’s Office
Located in Southeast Idaho, Madison County is using EFORCE® Jail to pioneer new ways to improve the safety of their staff and streamline their operations. Looking for a JMS to be the central hub for all their auxiliary systems, Madison County turned to EFORCE® to provide a robust, but easy-to-use solution.
Captain Jared Willmore, Jail Commander at the Madison County Sheriff’s Office knows the importance of a quality solution that is flexible enough to rise to their innovative approach to officer safety and efficiency. By utilizing iPads to run their EFORCE® software, Madison County can book and manage problem inmates without creating unnecessary risk.
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Secure and Compliant
EFORCE® Software is the perfect coupling of connectivity and security. Modern technology facilitates the safeguarded availability of our full software suite on any internet connected device. We strictly adhere to the FBI’s CJIS Security Policy, applicable state regulations, and industry best practices in the design and implementation of our software solutions.
Find the Perfect Solution
Seeing is believing! We would love to show you why EFORCE® is the clear choice for your agency’s software needs.